Eve: Eve is my 5th rescue dog and joined me on the 14th June 2022. Eve needed a home and I am delighted to welcome her into mine. Eve is a beautiful small Black Labrador who loves ball play! She was 10 years old on the 9th September 2024 her birthday is 2014 and is a friend to my Maya who has been my only Dog since my wonderful Border Collie Sam passed away on 18th June 2021.

Maya: Maya is my 4th rescue Dog. A beautiful Collie Cross, she is a Romanian Rescue Dog. I adopted her December 2015 when she was 3 years old, her birthday is June 9th 2012, she is now 12 years old, how time flies! She is such a laid back back Girl and loves a tummy rub!

Sam: My Third rescue dog was my wonderful Border Collie Sam pictured below who very sadly made his journey over the Rainbow bridge on 18th June 2021 aged 14 years. Sam was a 16 month old Dog when I rescued him on the 4th February 2008 , he was born on 21st October 2006, he had been badly treated by his elderly owners and was “shut down”. Sam gave me so much, taught me so much about unconditional Love and I miss him dearly. Because of Sam I studied Dog Listening and I now assist Dogs that are struggling with life, using Canine Communication. It was wonderful to witness Sam learning how to be a Dog and take his place in my pack. I also became a Dog Boarder because of Sam. Run free my sensitive and special Sam xx

Ben: Ben was my second rescue Dog, an amazing 4 year old three legged Border Collie. I rescued him on 19th September 2006 and I was blessed to share my life with him until he passed aged 12 years in September 2014. He ran like the wind, loved ball play and just got on with life despite missing his front right leg. What an inspiration.

Rambo: My first dog was Rambo, a rescue Dog. He was a 13 year old Lab cross Collie when I rescued him on the 1st of February 2002 and he lived until he was 18 and a half years old, he passed away on the 16th February 2007. He was so gentle and laid back, he did not live up to his name sake thankfully!